As the bank holiday weekend approaches, Devon and Cornwall’s authorities have joined forces to ask people to stay away as part of a #comebacklater campaign
The weather is set to see temperatures soar this bank holiday weekend. However, authorities are urging visitors to stay away from the area and adhere to the lockdown rules.
Local councils, emergency services, and organisations are also calling to second homeowners and holidaymakers to stay at home until restrictions have been lifted.
A recent campaign created by the Devon and Cornwall authorities named #comebacklater is exactly what it says. Despite the beautiful weather, it is not time to be complacent.
Leader of Devon County Council, Cllr John Hart, said “This Friday as we celebrate the anniversary of VE day perhaps we should all reflect on the sacrifices that so many people made in the past to ensure we enjoy the freedoms and liberties that we are temporarily deprived of at the moment.”
“We are all growing tired of lockdown, but here in the South West, we want to thank people for continuing to observe Government travel restrictions and not coming here right now. A warm welcome awaits later.”
This warning is one of many that have been issued in recent months. The last bank holiday saw people flouting the rules to visit the regions, and so far, more than 500 fines have been issued as a result.
“Now is not the time for complacency, and we must all continue to adhere to the advice which includes social distancing and only making essential journeys outside of our homes.
To those thinking about travelling to the South West for a holiday or social purposes, please come back later. We all have a part to play in this endeavour, and we must continue to be socially responsible,” said Glen Mayhew, Assistant Chief Constable of Devon and Cornwall Police.
This news comes after Devon and Cornwall Police have been working together to urge people to stay vigilant during the lockdown as drug dealers change tactics.
Businesses rely on tourism
Despite the warning to stay away, the Coronavirus pandemic is wreaking havoc with the local economy that relies on tourism. Farmers have said they are throwing away milk, as they are not getting enough orders. Plus, hospitality and tourism companies are struggling to weather the shutdowns.
Although it is speculated that there will be some relaxation on the lockdown coming from the Prime Minister’s briefing on Sunday evening. Pubs, restaurants, and shops will likely be the last to open in the phased easing of restrictions.
It was recently reported that there are concerns that thousands of West Country businesses are missing out on government grants. At the beginning of the month, government figures highlighted that 38% of eligible companies were yet to receive a payment of up to £25000. It is also thought that some small businesses may be mistaking this for a loan and not applying.
Chief Executive of the Somerset Chamber of Commerce Stephen Henagulph, said:

“I think it’s really important to stress these are grants. There are millions of pounds worth of grants still to allocate in Somerset.”
“The short term problems that we see with lots of businesses, even in a reasonably buoyant economic situation, is that cash flow is the killer. These grants will help you survive these unprecedented times.”