Labour Shadow Health Secretary Jon Ashworth was recorded making statements damning to Jeremy Corbyn and also didn’t deny that he wanted Borris Johnson to win the election.
The anonymous caller says “if it works out alright and as I assume we both hope, and there is some sort of workable majority for Johnson. How long do you think it will take Labour to get its act together?” He also states that they have talked about it before and Jon Ashworth admits that Labour is all over the place.
When questioned if Corbyn would be as “bad as I expect”, the Labour shadow health secretary replied: “I don’t know, on the security stuff; I worked in No.10, I think the machine will pretty quickly move to safeguard security (I mean the civil service machine).
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Jon Ashworth has shunned the tape as just banter between mates; if you listen to the recording above, it does sound that way.
Guido Fawkes shared the recording just days before the election.