A law buried in the 5,600-page emergency relief bill requires the US intel agencies to deliver an unclassified report on UFOs
A report that has revealed more details about the US government’s taskforce researching Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs), more commonly known as UFOs, is set to be released.
Last week the COVID-19 relief bill was signed by President Trump, committing the country to a $2.3 trillion (£1.7trn) pandemic aid package as positive cases continue to rise.
This comes after Michael Gove has warned that there are “very, very difficult weeks ahead” as England battles to reduce the spread of the novel coronavirus in the country, which is being driven by a new COVID variant that has been judged to be between 50% and 70% more transmissible than the previous one.
Buried within the 5,600 pages of the emergency relief bill were a number of laws that seemingly have nothing to do with the COVID-19 pandemic in any way, including one proposed law that requires the United States intelligence services to submit an unclassified report on UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) to the intelligence committee of the US Senate within 180 days.
The report must include “a detailed analysis of unidentified aerial phenomena data and intelligence reporting collected or held” by almost all of the country’s intelligence agencies.
It must also include: “Identification of any incidents or patterns that indicate a potential adversary may have achieved breakthrough aerospace capabilities that could put United States strategic or conventional forces at risk.”
Christopher Mellon, a former assistant secretary of defence for intelligence, tweeted that he was hopeful the new administration would “rigorously execute its oversight prerogatives” in this area.
He added: “The concerns of the public and numerous military personnel have been ignored by the national security bureaucracy for far too long.”
It follows the Pentagon declassifying three videos and a range of new details about encounters between US navy aircraft and UAPs last year. The three short videos were recorded by navy pilots in November 2004 and January 2015.
This comes after Brian Pinker, an 82-year-old dialysis patient has become the first to receive the newly approved Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine for COVID-19, after Over half a million doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine were made ready for use on Monday.
Nick Pope, who had previously worked for the Ministry of Defence investigating UFOs, has said that the footage shared by the Pentagon could indeed be something “extra-terrestrial” but that he did not have a “definitive explanation”.
“Assuming we’re not dealing with a combination of pilot mis-perception and forward-looking infrared camera anomalies, (which is unlikely, as a lot of this was captured on radar too), there are very few options,” he said.
“US black project technology being blind-tested against the military as part of the evaluation process, a Russian or Chinese drone engaged in reconnaissance, or something genuinely unknown and yes, perhaps even extra-terrestrial.”