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HomeCoronavirus8.4% of People Would Refuse to Abide by a Full Lockdown

8.4% of People Would Refuse to Abide by a Full Lockdown

In a new survey carried out by Breaking News Today, 8.42% of people said they would not abide by a full Government lockdown and 5.47% admitted to ignoring current social distancing guidelines.

In the survey carried out by Breaking News Today, 107 out of 1,287 people said that if a full lockdown were to be implemented, they would not abide by it.

This is quite a scary figure as if it held up across the entire population that could mean as many as 5.5 million brits defying the Government and continuing as if not on lockdown.

The second set of figures published include 2.26% that say they are not abiding by the current social distancing measures and a further 3.2% that are sticking to it sometimes. So basically 5.47% not adhering to social distancing measures.

People still ignoring social distancing measures

In terms of what this looks like on a population scale, potentially 3.6 Million people not abiding by the current restrictions.

With as the vast majority of people sticking to the measures, it does not seem right that this minority are potentially prolonging the suffering of others that are abiding by the guidelines.

With this many people still ignoring the Government advice lockdown measures could have to remain in place for significant amounts of time as the virus will continue to spread among the population.

how worried are you about the impact of coronavirus

In another question from the survey, 37% of people said they were extremely worried about the impact of Coronavirus on them personally.

With the vast majority of people taking the virus seriously, why are there still so many that choose not to abide by the rules and run the risk of punishing all of us.

do you think a full lockdown should be implemented
Many people think that a full lockdown should be implemented.

While many believe that a full lockdown should be implemented, the survey suggests that if a total lockdown were to be implemented, the situation could be worsened with more people choosing to ignore the government.

We also asked the question, Do you think that parents of teenagers found in groups should be punished?

should parents of teenagers found out during lockdown be punished

Almost 75% of people agreed that the parents of teenagers found out and about in groups should be punished.

The Metropolitan Police Federation has indicated that it wants police to punish the parents of teenagers found out and about with fines of up to £60.

The thought is that children could allow the spread to continue, household to household as children generally experience little in the way of symptoms; this could lead to spread going unnoticed. 

1.33% of those surveyed had been tested for COVID-19

had been tested for COVID-19

According to figures published by Worldometers, around 6000 tests had been carried out for every 1 million people living in the united kingdom.

The difference in percentages could be down to the fact that the vast majority of our followers are over the age of 30.

We do not currently have access to data regarding the ages of those being tested for Coronavirus; which makes it hard to know what to draw from the data.

Of the 17 people that had been tested 9 had tested positive for the virus.

Full survey data can be found by visiting https://www.surveymonkey.com/results/SM-D9WY82YX7/

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    Oscar Wyatt
    Oscar Wyatt
    I'm the editor at Breaking News Today and have been in the news and editing industry for years! Breaking News Today is a new outlet which we're building up and every single one of our readers means so much to us at this stage, we really appreciate your support!

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