Experts are warning that social distancing measures could be required for up to 12 months. In some cases, this could even be longer.
During this lockdown period, it is essential that we begin to reflect and start to understand, implement and manage our expectations on how long this could continue.
The question is also asked, will the world ever be the same again?
With nature reviving and the environment flourishing, was this the world imposing a reset?
Either way, we need to assess our actions and identify what our ‘back to normal’ will consist of.
Scientists around the world have collectively warned that lifestyles and socioeconomic status may not be ‘normal’ expedientially for a number of years. With the hope of the lockdown guidelines being lifted soon, it is expected that as countries individually, we would be encouraged to maintain social distancing for an extended period of time.
As reported by The Guardian, a vaccine for COVID-19, also known as coronavirus, could be as far as 18 months away. In addition to this, it is expected that it could be a further 12 months before enough people have been vaccinated for any recognition of normality to return.
The total number of global COVID-19 cases is almost at 2 million.
The global death rate is currently at 6.2%.
Scientists across the world are working in alliance to review and test already existing drugs and pharmaceuticals that may be of benefit to the treatment towards counteracting the virus. However, currently no vaccine or drug already in existence is showing any potential to address the pandemic.
Ivermectin a drug being trialled by Australian scientists has shown positive results in laboratory tests. This has been isolated circumstances and has shown evidential support in effectively killing SARS-CoV-2 virus in cell cultures within 48 hours. Work continues, and the public remains abundantly grateful to those key workers, scientists and all those working during this worrying time.
Research in China is being undertaken where they are trialling the use of Blood Plasma to Treat Coronavirus patients; this treatment involves taking blood from recovered COVID-19 victims and transfusing the blood into infected patients. This is thought that the immunity and cells established to fight the virus in the recovered patients would multiply and work effectively within the infected patients.
Why is it crucial for the lockdown and social distancing to continue?
Yesterday we reported on fears that China could be about to experience a second wave of coronavirus and that Iceland had reported that half of their population had shown no
It has also been reported that South Korea has 116 patients cleared of the virus of whom, have now tested positive for a second time. Not only is this extra pressure upon their country and its services and resources, but this also dispels the myth that the virus is not contractable more than once. This raises concern significantly, and the NHS Institute along with Scientists are focused upon these results and further ongoing reports to investigate this.
So, why are the lockdown measures and social distancing so critical?
COVID-19 is a new virus that has never before been experienced across the world. Therefore, we continue to have many unanswered questions, and any answers often result in more issues being raised.
It has been impossible to predict and work proactively against this virus catching the world off guard. There are many theories regarding lockdown and social distancing.
Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, who continues to recover, implemented the lockdown in an attempt to get ahead of the spread and the fast-paced virus.
Lockdown and social distancing has helped the National Health Service, to manage as best they can, whilst awaiting correct PPE (Protective equipment). This allows patients to funnel more succinctly and appropriately.
The risk is that, should lockdown be lifted, and the virus hit peak numbers, the NHS will buckle under the pressure despite thousands of retired NHS professionals fighting on the front line. Death rates would increase and not only would the services not cope, whether this is the NHS, supermarkets, banks or community services but that the country would face the war of FEAR with no guidance and direction through this pandemic.
It has been thought for many years, that the Western World would become more home-focused with working, the world is becoming more online. Interactions and communities are building in droves, where the spirit of love and support is winning the fight against the isolation and distancing.
Coronavirus is a global emergency and must be treated with caution; the only thing we can assume is that lockdown measures and social distancing could remain in place for a prolonged period of time.
Working from home, maintaining distance from others, wearing face masks in public and carrying a bottle of hand sanitiser could become the norm.
This great nation has fought wars before, and this will be no other.
As per Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth so poignantly delivered. In the words of Vera Lynn, We Will Meet Again.