The UK government is facing widespread calls to boost COVID-19 testing and tracing in order to re-open schools safely
Gavin Williamson has said that the education and care of the country’s children is “a national priority” as the government plans to return students to schools throughout England in September.
The Education Secretary has said that the government is continuing to do “everything in our power” to ensure that pupils will return to schools safely.
This comes after face masks will be made mandatory in Northern Ireland when indoors, after the R number, an important measurement of how quickly COVID-19 is spreading, rose in the region; The re-opening of pubs, which do not sell food, in Northern Ireland has also been postponed.
“We have always been and will continue to be guided by the best scientific and medical advice,” Mr Williamson said.
“The latest research which is expected to be published later this year – one of the largest studies on the coronavirus in schools in the world – makes it clear there is little evidence that the virus is transmitted at school.
“There is also growing confidence among parents about their children returning. This is down to the hard work of school staff across the country who are putting in place a range of protective measures to prepare to welcome back all pupils at the start of term.”
Boris Johnson has been facing widespread calls to boost COVID-19 testing and tracing in order to enable schools in the nation tp re-open safely without imposing further restrictions on businesses or social lives.
The Prime Minister, who spoke of a “moral duty” to implement the re-opening of schools in the UK, has said that his scientific advisers have warned him about the “trade-offs” that may be necessary to keep the spread of the coronavirus down.
But teachers, scientists and opposition politicians, as well as Anne Longfield, the children’s commissioner for England, are among those to be calling for improvements to be made on testing before pupils return.

Ms Longfield has said that regular testing of students and teachers, potentially on a weekly basis, could be required, even if those being tested have no symptoms of the coronavirus, in order to keep transmission of COVID-19 to a minimum.
“I think it needs to be as regular as it needs to be, to ensure that the infection is caught and identified as quickly as possible and then the tracking system can move on from that,” she told Times Radio.
Helen Whately, the Health and social care minister, has said that the risk in schools is “very low” based on the latest research.
She added: “Combine that with the recommendations from Public Health England on making schools even safer – so teaching children in bubbles, staggering start and finish times for instance, and teachers encouraging children to frequently wash and sanitise their hands, means it is absolutely safe for children to get back to schools and it is really important that they do.”
This comes after the biggest shake-up of housing planning in England for decades has caused fury as it moves to fast-track the building of “beautiful” homes that could lead to “slum” living conditions.
Ms Whately has said that the government is “determined” to see students back in their classrooms.

“I know that teachers and parents have made huge efforts to continue children’s efforts of education from home – but it’s just not the same as children being in school,”
“Sadly, we have seen children from more disadvantaged backgrounds more likely to fall behind in this time – so it’s essential that we have children back at schools this autumn.”