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HomeUK NewsNew Data Suggests Brits Are Starting to Defy Lockdown Measures

New Data Suggests Brits Are Starting to Defy Lockdown Measures

New data published on Apple Mobility Trends Reports suggest an increase in the number of Brits defying the lockdown this weekend!

Despite the Governments warnings at Yesterday’s press conference, many brits have taken to the streets in a bid to defy Government guidelines put in place to protect the NHS and the public from the deadly COVID-19 virus.

Pictures have been emerging on social media platforms of people gathering in crowds and ignoring social distancing measures across the country

The data suggests that the number of people walking and driving on the roads has increased while the levels of goods in transit remains low at -83% from baseline levels.

What is happening around the country?

Manchester Data 

Manchester data defying lockdown
A sharp incline in the number of people walking and driving in and around the Greater Manchester area.

Birmingham Data

Birmingham data lockdown

An incline in both people out walking and driving clearly seen in Birmingham

London Data

London Data
In London, the number of people out walking has remained relatively low, but an increase in people driving is apparent.

What was said about social distancing at Yesterday’s press conference?

Yesterdays press conference lead by Home Secretary Priti Patel was focussed on criminals trying to exploit and capitalise COVID pandemic.

The Governments message remained very clear, urging the public to stay home, protect the NHS and save lives.

The Home Secretary pointed out that a minority of drivers were using quieter roads as their own personal race track, she went on to say they had seen speeds of up to 151MPH clocked on the M1 and 134MPH in a 40MPH zone in London.

The Government urged that it wouldn’t take much for the virus to start increasing its transmission again and start to spread more widely.

What has been happening in other countries?

Other countries data
The chart shows that while most of the European countries seem to be following a similar trend, the USA has had a massive spike in people returning to normality.

Despite being the country with the highest number of cases and deaths, the USA seems to be the country with the slackest measures.

Although Donald Trump is considering extending social distancing guidelines until early summer, it does not seem from the data that the American people are listening at all.

Data Source: Mobility Trends Reports

Oscar Wyatt
Oscar Wyatt
I'm the editor at Breaking News Today and have been in the news and editing industry for years! Breaking News Today is a new outlet which we're building up and every single one of our readers means so much to us at this stage, we really appreciate your support!

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