The animal rights group Animal Rebellion have set up a blockade at what they say is the only factory within the UK that makes McDonald’s burgers
Around 100 animal rights protesters have set up a blockade at the OSI Food Solutions factory, located in Scunthorpe, overnight.
The group has posted online saying: “We won’t leave until McDonald’s commits to go plant-based by 2025 to address the enormous impact they have on the climate, our planet and on animals. The time to act is now.”
The protesters set up a blockade of tents and scaled two structures at the gates, setting off flares.
According to an online brochure, the OSI Food Solutions UK factory is “the exclusive supplier of red meat products to McDonald’s Restaurants in the UK.”
This comes after face coverings must still be worn on the London transport network despite restrictions easing on the 19th of July, London’s mayor says. Sadiq Khan said that he was not yet prepared to put Tube, bus and other transport users at risk by relaxing the coronavirus rules on face coverings.
Animal Rebellion protesters had occupied Smithfield meat market in London back in 2019.
They say the factory produces 3m burgers for McDonald’s every day, and they have used trucks, tents and bamboo structures to prevent access and distribution for staff.
According to the factory’s website, it supplies beef and pork patties to over 1,200 McDonald’s restaurants in the UK, and pork patties to 81 McDonald’s restaurants in the Republic of Ireland.

The protest comes on the same day a report was released calling for a 30 per cent national reduction in meat consumption within the UK.
Police said in a statement: “Officers from Humberside Police are currently deployed at a food distribution centre on Luneburg Way in Scunthorpe following reports of a demonstration of around 50 people at the entrance to a food distribution centre.
“Officers are in attendance in order to allow people to go about their lawful business and to protect the right of individuals to take part and exercise their right to peaceful protest.
This comes after Scotland’s First Minister says there are still reasons to be concerned amid high case numbers and hospital admissions. Scotland’s lockdown restrictions within will be eased from Monday, Nicola Sturgeon has said, but with certain key conditions.
They continued by saying:
“The roads in and around the industrial estate remain unaffected as the demonstration is at the entrance to one premise.
“We are liaising with representatives from all sides to address concerns.
“We are committed to fulfilling our duty to protect the human rights of all the groups and individuals with an interest in this situation.”