A new survey has suggested that the trust and confidence of the UK Government’s response to the pandemic have declined in the past six weeks
A recent survey conducted by King’s College London and Ipsos Mori shows that public confidence has shifted in past weeks. 2254 people were polled between 22nd and 24th May to see how feelings and attitudes had changed compared to a similar poll carried out at the beginning of April.
Of those polled in the survey, the proportion of people that trust the government’s control of the spread of the virus fell from 69% to 51%. Plus, the trust in the information shared also dropped 17 points.
This comes after part of the Prime Minister’s latest plans for further relaxation of lockdown rules last night, the PM has said that he wants to allow more “social contact”.
Over half of people agreed that the response from the government was confusing and inconsistent. There was also a fall from 68% to 47% of people that find the communication on Covid-19 helpful.
Professor Bobby Duffy, Director of the Policy Institute at King’s College London, said:

“Over the past six weeks, trust in the UK government’s ability to control Covid-19 and the information it provides has declined significantly.”
He also added that the public still deems there is over-riding importance on controlling the impacts over the broader societal implications.
In light of the recent easing of restrictions that were announced on 10th May, support was much lower in people than when the lockdown was initially enforced. 54% of people think that the government is going too fast with the relaxation of measures. However, 27% thought it was the right pace.
School openings have been another topic of conversation in recent weeks, and the poll suggested parents are still not confident in sending their children back with over half surveyed uncomfortable with the motion.

The findings also showed that there is nearly an even divide in people feeling comfortable or feeling uncomfortable about returning to work.
The findings also show that the confusion is not just isolated to England, as people in Scotland and Wales are also unsure of the rules. 51% of people in Scotland and 49% in Wales think they are allowed to meet one person outside of their family. However, the government advice in Scotland and Wales is still saying to stay within households.
Research Director, Gideon Skinner at Ipsos Mori said:

“the government is now having to navigate more complicated territory in its messaging.”
Plus, he added there is a widening political gap in how the public is reacting to the pandemic response. There is also criticism increasing among Labour supports.
Damage may be done by the Cummings lockdown trip
The government is facing heavy criticism over the latest lockdown trip scandal of Dominic Cummings, which has led to concern over public confidence for the Conservatives.
The Independent reported that Mr. Cummings defended his decision. However, there are questions about his trip into the town of Barnard Castle and the reasoning behind it.
Deputy Head of Brighton and Sussex Medical School, Professor Jackie Cassell, said: “During lockdown, and for many months ahead, we all need to protect the NHS from people becoming ill with Covid-19 in second homes.” She also added that it was a clear rule, and not sticking to it could overwhelm smaller communities.
This comes after a Conservative Member of Scottish Parliament has resigned following Dominic Cummings’ trips while the nation is still in lockdown, putting on more pressure for the top Downing Street aide to lose his job.