Business Secretary Alok Sharma is leading today’s daily coronavirus press conference
Sharma is joined by Professor Stephen Powis, medical director of NHS England, and Sarah Albon, the chief executive of the Health and Safety Executive.
Sharma confirms there were 85,293 COVID-19 tests carried out yesterday – short of the 100,000 target the government has been trying to hit since the start of May.
Another 3,403 people have now tested positive for the virus, he adds, taking the total so far to 226,463.
And as the department of health announced earlier, 627 more people have died in all settings in the last 24 hours – taking the total to 32,692.
“This is of course devastating news for families across the UK.”
Sharma runs through the new rules coming into effect in England on Wednesday, including that people who cannot work from home should start going into work, so long as it is safe to do so. And that people can meet one other person from outside their household outside.
From the start of June some children may start being able to go back to school and businesses might be able to re-open.
And from the 4th of July, some hospitality companies may be able to restart, such as hairdressers and restaurants.
More to come soon…