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HomeCoronavirusCoronavirus lockdowns are improving global air quality

Coronavirus lockdowns are improving global air quality

Coronavirus lockdowns across Europe result in a drop in nitrogen dioxide emissions

This news comes as lower air pollution levels were recorded across Europe as well as Britain, after millions of people have either decided to or have been made to stay at home.

News of these significant reductions specifically in the United Kingdom came after the Prime Minister urged anybody who could remain at home to do so.

Italy, France, Spain, Switzerland and the Czech Republic has also shown large drops in air pollution since a more urgent move to get people staying at home has occurred throughout Europe.

“It’s probably too early for any firm conclusions for the UK as pollution levels will vary day by day due to changes in the weather,” said Professor Ian Colbeck of the University of Essex.

“However, with reduced traffic, air pollution will be reduced.”

In London, pollution readings in for nitrogen dioxide, the gas that is emitted when vehicle fuel is burnt , have fallen by a third since Sunday, after more people implemented coronavirus lockdowns throughout the country.

The European Space Agency has shown data revealing sharp nitrogen dioxide declines in the northern regions of Italy, where the COVID-19 outbreak has hit the hardest outside of China.

Data also shows that pollution levels in Spain are beginning to fall as well.

“The current data for Madrid is showing much lower concentrations than for Sunday, when you would have expected less traffic than a typical work day,” revealed Professor Colbeck.

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    Eve Cooper
    Eve Cooper
    I've been writing articles and stories for as long as I can remember and in the past few years I've had the fortune of turning that love & passion for writing into my job :)

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