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HomeCoronavirusThe number of global coronavirus cases surpasses 700,000

The number of global coronavirus cases surpasses 700,000

Global cases of infection of COVID-19 has risen to over 700,000 cases

The total number of coronavirus infection cases globally has crossed 700,000, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University.

The US has the most amount of cases, with a total of 142,735 and 2,489 deaths in the nation.

President Donald Trump extended the national social distancing guidelines on Sunday, to the 30th of April, after suggesting that the coronavirus death rate would likely peak in two weeks.

China’s National Health Commission said there were 31 new confirmed cases of the virus reported on the mainland, of which 30 were “imported” cases from abroad.

The number of coronavirus cases surpasses 700,000

Cases of COVID-19 in Italy are getting close to 100,000, as total reported cases are currently at 97,689. The country has the largest death toll, by a large amount, with their total number of fatalities at 10,779.

In the UK, cases have risen to 19,522, with a death-rate of 1,228 , this comes as another politician, this time Chief Adviser to Prime Minister Boris Johnson; Dominic Cummings, has developed symptoms of coronavirus over the weekend and is now self-isolating.

Cummings was last seen running through Downing Street two days ago, is believed to have experienced mild symptoms including a cough.

The Prime Minister and the health secretary Matt Hancock are already self-isolating after developing symptoms towards the end of last week.

The UK’s Health minister, Helen Whately, has said that the UK are increasing the volume of tests and that:

“We’re right at the top of the league table of the volume of testing that we’ve been doing.”

Spain has now become the third country to confirm more cases of coronavirus than China, as its number of deaths rose by 812 in a day to reach a total of 7,340.

Confirmed COVID-19 cases have increased by 6,398 since Sunday to reach 85,195 in total, according to Spain’s health ministry.

The country has now joined the United States and Italy in having more cases than China, which had confirmed 82,156 cases as of Monday.

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    Eve Cooper
    Eve Cooper
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